
About Julien Millet

Thanks for stopping by. I'm a french Landscape and Nature photographer.

I simply fell in love with Photography and being outside to take pictures, whatever the place, whatever the country, whatever the conditions.

I started photography in 2002. Like everybody I started with a very basic and casual digital camera at the time (Nikon Coolpix 2000). Smartphones were just a Science Fiction dream back then, and the limitations of this tiny camera as well as my budget pushed me to aquire some cheap equipment over the years and never got me really satisfied.

I started to get really serious about my photography after a trip in New York in 2009, where I bought my first DSLR, a Canon EOS 450D (also called Rebel XSi in the US, that’s the version I got at the time). This beast of a camera turned my world upside down and radically changed my mind about photography. I’m really driven by experiments and this DSLR really pushed up my expectations in terms of photography : light painting, long exposure, stars photography which coupled with my love for being outside in the Nature drove me to Landscape Photography.

I mainly shoot in digital, but from time to time, I like to shoot with film cameras as well. If you’re interested into which gear I use, please go this section to know more.


If you fancy to see more of my work, you can follow me on Flickr, Instagram or Facebook where I share some mini projects, travels, and tests I usually do on the field or on trips with my wife.

Please feel free to reach out through the contact page if you’d like to ask questions, ask for details, if you are interested into some of my pictures or anything else in regards to my work.

Thank you !
